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Does Your Practice Have the Medical Billing Expertise to Handle Rising Claim Denials?

Due to lack of billing expertise, many providers don’t get paid for the services offered. They fail to understand that every single denied claim can prove critical to the financial health of their practice.

What medical billing expertise is required for your practice?

Denied claims are an increasing challenge that can be tackled with a team of expert coders and billers. From submission of claims and follow-ups to studying coding and billing changes, only an expert biller can perform these tasks with precision.

  • Medical billers should be proficient in setting up repayment options, interacting with patients and handling the processing of payments
  • Considering the rise in workload, they should have the ability to multitask and stay organized
  • Billers should have the required medical insurance billing knowledge and understanding of coding language and should update their knowledge on a constant level
  • They should also have the skill to develop research, review and analysis to understand the diagnosis choices of physicians, detect mistakes, apply accurate codes for billing and take decisions related to insurance billing
  • Their knowledge should be up to date on medical terminology, disease treatment and anatomy
  • Billers at your practice should also have good communication skills apart from data entry typing and practice reading skills

Does your medical billing staff have the above-mentioned skills?

If your in-house billers are not efficient, be prepared to face claim denials. You need to train your billing team to help them acquire the skills for accurate claim submission because even if your practice offers quality patient care, chances of getting paid for the same are meagre if you don’t have a skilled team of coders and billers.

In case you have limited staff at your practice, you can hire a team of skilled billers. You also need to make the necessary system changes to ensure accuracy in claim submissions. Training should be provided to them on a regular basis to keep them updated with reforms.

In today’s healthcare industry, physicians are already burdened with rising number of patients, preparation for ICD-10, compliance to HIPAA and implementation of latest health IT. Considering Medicare cuts and low reimbursement rates, it is becoming difficult for them to spend money on hiring new staff, training existing staff or bringing in new technology. Due to time constraint they are not able to provide the required training to the team which is creating room for errors.

Many providers are hiring a billing company to handle their revenue cycle management. Since billing companies have a well-trained team that takes care of claim filing, follow-ups and denial management, the headache of hiring, training and implementation of expensive technology gets eliminated.

Medicalbillersandcoders.com has the largest team of skilled billers and coders who are trained in handling claims and in providing customized billing services. We not just help practices across 50 states in the US maximize their revenue with our billing services but also help them hire our expert coders and billers.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Nov-27-2013
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