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Effective Ways to Boost Reimbursement for Urology Practice


Most practices today are not doing great business as they might want it to be, yet fortunately, there are numerous methods to enhance your state of reimbursements. It is intriguing that numerous doctors feel that they ought to be protected amid financial downturns; however, that is simply not genuine to adhere too. Many practitioners along with Urologists are feeling a great deal of pain now when quite a bit of it could have been maintained a strategic distance from with sound business practices during the good times.

But one important factor, along with providing patients with timely treatment and procedure is to streamline the revenue cycle, which is being derailed due to denied and delayed claims and a rising number of mistakes in scheduling and reporting of patient health. In such a scenario, outsourcing the task to an offshore medical billing and coding agency can pace up the reimbursement and also lower the errors in medical billing and coding duties.

Interesting points related to Urology practice that can boost your reimbursement:

  • Get hold of the lab reports about of the patients chart or in the patient's electronic health record before he/she arrives for the appointment. Nothing can let down the reimbursements of your patient than to have a patient who had a prostate biopsy in the exam room and not have the pathology report on the chart. If you are following the outdated procedure, wherein your patient facilitator calls the pathologist for the report and has the report faxed to the workplace, can add 15-30 minutes of unnecessary delay, thus lowering the number of patients you see every day and possibly hampering the reimbursements.
  • Schedule Accordingly. I don't know about a urology practice that doesn't have urgencies where the patients should be seen the very day they contact the doctor's office. Each morning or evening your Urology practice must be getting a call from a current patient that should be seen promptly or a call from a referring doctor who has a patient in their office that necessities quick urologic care. Earlier, an emergency patient was advised to come in and that they would be worked into the timetable accordingly. However, doing so resulted in patients with scheduled arrangements were deferred 15-30 minutes. This scenario also lets the reimbursement to get delayed, and you don't completely check all the patients that come in, so schedule accordingly.
  • Answer all the patient-related queries right at the first meeting. It's not considered a good professional attitude if you check the patient and as soon as they leave, close their report and chart and began to check the next one. This often leads to miscommunication from the Urologist point of view and can make the Physician confused and make the practice suffer due to some unruly behavior.
  • Leave your office only when you have completed all the paperwork. Try not to make the existing paperwork a mountain of charts and reports on the back of your workspace. You turn out to be more effective if you can do the correspondence/dictation in real-time or after examining every patient. This way, you do not have to rely on your memory and pull up a chart regarding a patient's health report. What this does is creates a good name for your practice and enhances patients satisfaction, thus boosting the revenue in the long run.
  • Streamline the billing cycle. This is one of the most critical parts of being a Urologist. The precision in Urology medical billing and coding is something you cannot afford to go wrong with. If you feel that the in-house staff is feeling burdened with the accounting perquisites, the best available option is to outsource Urology billing and coding duties to a certified agency. This will positively impact the overall practice, and you can be rest assured that your revenue cycle is being watched by someone responsible, and one who can complete the task with 100% accuracy to achieve faster reimbursements, and lessen the errors on charging.

Medical Billers and Coders (MBC) is a leading medical billing company providing complete revenue cycle services. To know more about our Urology Billing and Coding services, contact us at info@medicalbillersandcoders.com/888-357-3226.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Dec-01-2016
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