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Towards Realizing Medical Data Integration Nationally

The benefits of Integrating Medical Data nationally can be far-reaching. Given its multi-applicability, Macro-level Medical Integration Of Data can enable enhanced medical service and cost-efficiency, privacy compliance as per HIPAA, transparent billing and coding as per CPT, ICD-9, & HCPCS procedures, ready availability of health data for numerous references and verifications, advanced clinical research with comprehensive data, and more importantly primary source of data for Federal Health Policies.

Although its idea of implementation traces back to as early as the advent of data integration models for healthcare industry in the early 90’s of the last century, it is yet to realize its objective owing to financial and policy reasons.

But, what is encouraging is the fact that the recent amendments to Federal Healthcare Policy have emphasized the need to speed up the process, and given boost both in terms of finance and policy. Further, it has urged all healthcare professionals and institutions to respond to its cause by upgrading their data compilation to advanced information platforms like HealthCare Data Warehousing and Networking, which again can be linked to a centralized or master server.

Easier said than done, the endeavor requires a chain reaction involving physician level integration, institutional level integration, and regional level integration leading ultimately to National Level Healthcare Data Integration. This is where a well-coordinated effort is required to link all the participative entities. Needless to say, Federal Executive Health Bodies have a major role in ensuring a seamless coordination among Federal, Private and NGOs.

IT providers, who have been associated with inventing and implementing healthcare solutions, are of the consensus that Clinical Information System – which aids in clinical decision making, improving evidence-based practice, and enhancing communication among providers, and policy and privacy decisions by Federal Health Body – can be the solution for successfully realizing the goal of a national level integration of healthcare data, and digitally revolutionize the creation and maintenance of integrated medical data.

Thus, there is no uncertainty as to healthcare sector – priority sector in the United States’ economy – being an immense beneficiary of application of technology, and in particular, medical information data warehousing and networking.

Medicalbillersandcoders.com (www.medicalbillersandcoders.com) – being the largest consortium of medical and billers in the U.S., and integral part of healthcare industry – has been actively responding to the cause through application of advanced billing and coding software and hardware that enable transparent data generation, transformation and networking across wide information channels.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Aug-22-2011
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