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Upsurge in Migration to EHRS; Opportunities and Challenges

While this rapid transformation means ample business opportunities for competent technology providers, some of whom are already introducing second generation technology platforms; there also lies a challenge in aligning and customizing EHR platforms in congruence with individualistic needs of diverse medical disciplines.  Medical practices, on the other hand, will be required to orient themselves to the mechanism of these novel technology gadgets – meaning resource allocation for training the internal staff on these technology platforms. As medical practices, small and large, seek to outsource EHRS implementation process, they would eventually be spoilt for choices amongst innumerable service providers in the EHRS market.

As the realization dawns upon the medical practices, there seems an impressive migration from paper-based manual system of health record system to a more sophisticated, reliable and efficient way – Automated or Electronic Health Record System (EHRS). Notwithstanding the Federal Health Department mandate for compulsory implementation, the consensus amongst the medical practices is that EHRS is pivotal to turning around clinical and operational efficiency in an increasingly demanding healthcare industry. The combined effect of Federal Health Department mandate for compulsory implementation, and the growing belief of EHRS being indispensable to clinical and operational efficiency has been largely been responsible for an unprecedented upsurge in EHRS implementation amongst diverse medical practices across the United States of America – the current scope of EHRS implementation, as per the survey results by a leading consulting agency, stands at an impressive 25% of the potential EHR market.

While this rapid transformation means ample business opportunities for competent technology providers, some of whom are already introducing second generation technology platforms; there also lies a challenge in aligning and customizing EHR platforms in congruence with individualistic needs of diverse medical disciplines.  Medical practices, on the other hand, will be required to orient themselves to the mechanism of these novel technology gadgets – meaning resource allocation for training the internal staff on these technology platforms. As medical practices, small and large, seek to outsource part of their EHRS implementation process, they would eventually be spoilt for choices amongst innumerable service providers in the EHRS market.

Medicalbillersandcoders.com  – with long standing reputation of being a credible source for comprehensive medical billing solution – should be a preferential recourse. One of the early to include EHRS as part of its comprehensive medical billing revenue cycle management, its diverse pool of medical billing professionals are known for their ingenious competencies in advising towards EHRS implementation for an impressive list of clientele, ranging from independent  practices, small clinics, and multi-specialty groups. Apart from this intrinsic value-proposition, its strategic alliance with leading manufacturers of EHR platforms – ChatLogic, ClearPractice, BioSoftWorld, CitiusTech, OptumSight, MediLink, Clinicient, Aprima, and the rest – lends its EHRS implementation approach the requisite competitive edge.

Amidst a healthcare industry, characterized by Federal Government’s growing propensity to revolutionize healthcare services, collaborative clinical management and research, and operational optimization and revenue maximization through compliant medical coding and reporting, EHRS is the way to go.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Feb-21-2012
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