Patient satisfaction has always been the yardstick for operational success, and hospitals have tried out novel ways to keep patient experience enriched. While physicians’ skills have primarily been pivotal, technology too has helped considerably. And, technology has begun to be so significant that hospitals seem to have accepted them to indispensable in enhancing overall patient satisfaction, comply with evolving industry regulations, and being competitively ahead. As growing number of hospitals across the U.S. are beginning to embrace technology to elevate patient satisfaction, they are realizing the need to integrate clinical activities with medical billing activities to arrive at mutually beneficial equation – patient satisfaction that promotes practice revenues. Therefore, they may have to leverage with outsourced hospital medical billing that are integrated with clinical and operational features.

When confronted with the question of finding technology that is clinically and operationally dependable, integrated Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems come to be recognized as the most reliable technology platforms. EHR systems integrated with Practice Management Systems (PMS), Clinical Decision Support Systems, and Patient Communication Network Systems can create both clinical and practice efficiencies, and promote opportunities for enhanced patient access to data and patient engagement. The combined impact of these features may significantly improve patient satisfaction as:

  • Patients perceive them to be part of improved care system: Experience has shown that patients value doctors who are progressively tech-savvy. It is interesting to note that around 75 percent of U.S. population associate technology-inclusion with better care.
  • It would enable convenient access to scheduling and communication through patient portals; patients would appreciate the ease and convenience of online tools that allow them to schedule appointments, request for appointments, ask questions, and more.
  • There would be swift prescriptions with eRx; patients will benefit from the efficiencies created by e-prescribing capabilities within the EHR. With e-prescribing, a prescription is sent to the pharmacy as soon as the provider prescribes it, which means patients can avail their medications faster. E-prescribing also eliminates the need for patients carry and present paper prescription.
  • EHR solutions offer the capability to automate email appointment reminders, which will help patients remember their appointments and show up on time.
  • There would be enhanced clinical efficiency; clinical decision support tools and clinical protocol compliance tracking tools within EHR systems can help providers enhance the care they deliver to patients.
  • Last, but most significant, robust EHR system can make medical billing and coding accurate and compliant with coding and billing conventions, thereby enabling hospitals show up as Meaningful Compliant with HIPAA practices and maximize reimbursements from Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial health insurance payors.

For a considerable segment of hospitals that are yet to migrate to full-pledged technology-defined clinical care delivery, it might seem a daunting task. Thus, they may have been drive to outsource medical billing services integrated with EHR platforms. offers them the right window for sourcing resources (medical billers and coders) that are skillful, tech-savvy, and versatile enough to balance hospitals’ primary concern of patient satisfaction and operational success.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Feb-21-2013 Back

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