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Roster Billing for Mass Immunizers

Article - Roster Billing for Mass Immunizers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) created the mass immunizers roster billing process to simplify the billing of the influenza virus and pneumococcal vaccination claims. These changes increase Medicare beneficiary access to vaccinations.

  1.  A mass immunizer offers influenza virus vaccinations, pneumococcal vaccinations, or both to a group of individuals.
  2. Roster billing lets mass immunizers submit one claim form with a list of several immunized beneficiaries.
  3. Centralized billing allows mass immunizers operating in at least three payment localities, served by at least three different Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), to send all influenza virus and pneumococcal vaccination claims to one designated MAC.

It’s Flu season again. Use Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) to bill Medicare. Starting January 1, 2020, the Provider must use the MBI.

  • CMS will reject claims Provider submit with Health Insurance Claim Numbers (HICNs), with a few exceptions.
  • CMS will reject all eligibility transactions Provider submit with HICNs.

Mass Immunizers

CMS defines a mass immunizer is a Medicare-enrolled provider offering influenza virus vaccinations, pneumococcal vaccinations, or both to a large number of individuals (for example, the general public or members of a specific group, such as a retirement community).

Mass immunizers can be one of these types:

  • A traditional Medicare provider or supplier, such as a hospital outpatient department
  • A non-traditional provider normally ineligible to enroll in the Medicare Program, such as a supermarket, senior citizen home, or public health clinic

CMS created the Mass Immunization Roster Biller provider specialty type 73 solely for mass immunizers, who usually cannot enroll in Medicare. Mass immunizers may use roster billing. Roster billing simplifies submitting multiple beneficiary claims for influenza virus or pneumococcal vaccination.

Mass Immunizers Roster Billing Requirements

Mass immunizers that roster bill must meet these requirements:

  • Licensed properly in the States where they operate

  • Enrolled in the Medicare Program (To enroll in the Medicare Program solely as a Mass Immunization Roster Biller (provider specialty type 73), individuals must complete Form CMS-855I and groups must complete Form CMS-855B. For more information, Provider can refer to the Medicare Provider-Supplier Enrollment webpage.)

  • Accept assignment on the vaccinations and their administration (that is, accepts Medicare payment as payment in full). Medicare disallows collecting deductible, co-payment, or coinsurance on these services.

  • Use roster bills

  • Bill a MAC

  • Bill only influenza virus and pneumococcal vaccinations and administration using this process

Medicare Part B Coverage of Pneumococcal Vaccinations

A beneficiary who never had a pneumococcal vaccination under Medicare Part B may get an initial pneumococcal vaccination, as well as a different, second pneumococcal vaccine administered 1 year after the first administration. The beneficiary does not need to show an immunization record before getting the pneumococcal vaccine. If the beneficiary is competent, rely on the beneficiary’s verbal history to determine prior vaccination status.

Roster Billing Requirements

The provider can submit roster bills electronically or via paper because Medicare exempts covered vaccinations from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) electronic billing requirement. This exemption applies to providers without a MAC agreement to submit electronic mass immunization claims.

Submit a separate roster bill claim for each type of vaccination:

  • Submit the modified claim with an attached roster bill listing the beneficiaries who got that type of vaccination.

  • List no other covered services with the influenza virus or pneumococcal vaccination and administration. More comprehensive data requirements apply to other covered services. Bill other services using normal claims filing procedures and forms.

Centralized Billing

The Centralized billing option lets mass immunizers send all influenza virus and pneumococcal vaccination claims to a single, CMS-designated MAC for payment, regardless of where Provider administered the vaccination. Medicare pays based on where the Provider provides the service. Medicare does not include Railroad Retirement Board, United Mine Workers, or Indian Health Service claims. These claims must go to the appropriate processing entity identified by CMS when Provider officially becomes a Centralized Biller. To qualify for centralized billing, Provider must operate in at least three payment localities where three different MACs process claims. Ensure only properly licensed individuals and entities provide vaccines and administration in the States where they give them.

Centralized Billers must:

  • Operate in at least three payment localities where three different MACs process their claims.

  • Enroll as a Medicare Mass Immunization Roster Biller (specialty type 73) or another provider type.

  • Accept vaccinations and their administration assignment (that is, accept the Medicare payment as payment in full). Medicare disallows collecting deductible, copayment, or coinsurance on these services.

  • Request to participate in the program annually.

  • Use roster bills.

  • Submit claims electronically.

  • Give beneficiaries their pneumococcal vaccination record.

  • Give beneficiaries written notification of the MAC processing the claims.



Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Feb-03-2020
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