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Physician employment rises in hospitals

Despite a shortage of doctors projected to be at nearly 30,000 in the next few years, one area which is seeing an influx of new doctors is hospitals, which will eventually result in an increase in hospitalists. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in February reported a rise of 61,000 jobs in Healthcare and social assistance employment, with healthcare adding in 28,000 ambulatory care services jobs and 15,000 hospital employment jobs.

New statistics released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics project that Job growth in the healthcare sector will outpace other sectors through 2020 and employment in healthcare support occupations is predicted to grow the fastest with healthcare practitioners and technical jobs to increase at 25.9%.

More and more doctors are choosing to join hospitals rather than open their individual practices, reasons are various:

  1. Too many administration issues
  2. Healthcare compliance increasing
  3. Fiscally a job is more secure

The down side to lesser practices is:

  1. Healthcare dissemination to geographically remote areas is challenged
  2. Concentration of availability of healthcare jobs
  3. Pressure on current infrastructure of healthcare organizations

Nevertheless with this expected increase in hospital employment along with the healthcare reforms, hospitals need to realign their processes. Hospitals and practitioners who will look to register for the incentive program will face the decision on choosing an apt EHR, changes in billing system, besides other changes, but with their time resource being limited & dedicated majorly on patient care, such decisions are difficult and at times repenting.

In this scenario services of a medical billing consultancy possessing the requisite credentials can be availed by hospitals and hospitalists to guide hospital staff in EHR implementation, HIPAA and other healthcare reforms hence improving physicians compensations along with hospital revenue generation and also help in maintaining a favorable corporate culture of the organization. Medicalbillersandcoders.com experts being constantly updated with the requisites of the industry and healthcare reforms are the right choice for hospitals and practitioners.

Published By - Medical Billers and Coders
Published Date - Apr-16-2012
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