Is Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursements fairer than Private Insurers: a Brief Comparison

Various providers despite being paid lesser by government than by commercial insurers believe that Medicare and Medicaid reimburse more fairly than commercial payers. Findings from a recent survey depicted that 93% of respondents feel that Medicare is fair always or frequently while 62% felt the same about Medicaid, whereas 62% were of the view that […]

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Effects on Physicians Reimbursements: Insurance Denials and Uncertainty of Health Reforms

Insurance denials are one of the major factors that affect a physician’s revenue even though health reforms do address some issues faced by patients and physicians in dealing with insurance companies, the denial rate of claims has not significantly altered due to such reforms. These insurance denials are avoidable especially as they create problems for […]

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Measuring the Impact on Physician Reimbursements With Upsurge in Retail Clinics

“As medical service providers try to adapt themselves to these altering equations, their ability to manage clinical and operational functions would invariably involve the next level of efficiency. While there is ample scope for revenue augmentation amidst a booming health insurance scenario, there is also the issue of keeping the quality of medical services on […]

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Upfront Realization as the catalyst for accelerating Physician reimbursement

“As physicians juggle with their core medical focus and issues related Upfront Collections, there would eventually be an adverse impact on their ability to afford quality medical care. Therefore, sooner or later, they would have to decide on outsourcing the competent services that can offer the best upfront Collection as part of the comprehensive Revenue […]

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Deciphering Medicare Fee Schedules

A proactive affinity to Medicare Fee Schedule alerts physicians to the efficacy of attending to Medicare beneficiaries, and also plans their revenue prospects in advance. But, with the legislation firm on mandatory medical service to Medicare patients, physicians are inevitably driven to seek and understand Medicare Fee Schedule. The sheer volume of Medicare transactions (more […]

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Bundled payment initiative to lower healthcare costs, help coordinate care

A new program to aid and improve patient care while patients are in the hospital and after they are discharged has been announced by the U.S. department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These initiatives will also motivate doctors, nurses and specialist to perform coordinated care and hence reduce cost. Till date, hospitals, physicians, and […]

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