Radiology collections, which have been far from being impressive in the recent years, may further go down amidst a host of issues likely to surface throughout 2013. Significant of those issues is the reimbursement cuts, which is supposed to lead to a reduction of almost 19% in the collections of radiology practices. Further, a 25% […]
Leading Medical Billing Company in the USA.
In Search of Resources to Counter Radiology Billing and Compliance Challenges
Much like medical billing challenges faced by other practitioners, radiologists too will have challenges unique to their own profession. The general perception of billing being more complex than ever before and progressive fall in reimbursements seems to hold good to Radiology Billing as well. As a result, radiologists may see their revenues dropping considerably, which […]
The Role of radiology in Hospital Revenue
Radiologists are playing an ever-increasing role in hospitals and these deeper involvements are due to numerous factors. The outcomes of such an ever-increasing involvement of radiologists in hospitals can bring about positive outcomes not just in the core aspects of medicine and for patients but also in the form of pecuniary benefits in the long […]
Radiology: Finding New Meaning in “Meaningful Use”
Radiologists in the United States are currently facing a dilemma as far as “meaningful use” (MU) of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is concerned. The American College of Radiology (ACR) IT and Informatics Committee leaders and staff have met the National Coordinator for HIT (ONC) as well as Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) staff […]