Denial Management

Denial Management

Denials are an epidemic to the financial health of most practices, and they need to be treated well to achieve financial success. Ten percent of physician revenue is estimated to be lost due to a lack of denial management processes.

Our billers are experts in denial management analysis, which helps prevent denials and revenue losses. But if you do have denials from the past, let our Billers and coding experts handle them and see them get paid easily.

The process of Denial Management has only one key—ANALYSIS. Once the root cause of denial is figured out, correcting it and getting paid for it is not a task. A specialist's skill is required to get the perfect analysis of a claim.

Our billers are specially trained to recover the collectibles from

  • Worker's compensation
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Attorneys

Denial claims also require "Appeals." Appeals are requests for an explanation of the claim sent earlier and conditions under which the claim is now again eligible for payment.

Some appeals are time-sensitive. Our billers review your most commonly denied claims, prioritizing both volume and dollar value and filing them in a timely manner.

Considering the cost of appealing claims (both in terms of time and money) also helps our billers decide whether they must appeal the claim at all. So they will not appeal every claim but know the fact that many practices lose great sums of income every year because they don't appeal denied claims.

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