Our blog section can help you with information, experiences and opinions pertaining to the medical and medical billing industry.
Much like intricate diagnostic and treatment procedures for neurological disorders, Neurology billing also tends to be complex requiring procedure-specific CPT codes for diverse categories of diseases – central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems. Physicians, having to maintain their medical efficiency amidst complex cases, have either been witness to below par realization of medicals, or exposing their medical billing to undesirable audit checks, which negatively influence their credibility and growth. Fortunately, they can transfer their non-core activity (medical billing) to the proven billing consortiums like us.
The MBC Neurology billing specialists, with over a decade of experience in best practices followed in large and small healthcare providing organizations, can expertly handle the complexities of the billing and help physicians in streamlining their medical billing processes. Their attention to insurance follow up confirms their expertise and helps your organization bag the highest collections. With their experience and optimized skill-set, and a track record of providing error-free and denial-free billing and coding services nationwide – MBC professionals can support physicians effectively.
Our medical billing services in Florida can help you to increase your revenue with the reduction in the number of denied and unpaid claims. Our billers present in all the major cities like Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersberg and Orlando can provide you with less paperwork and more accurate medical claims to improve the efficiency of your practice. Here are some of the services which our billers have shown their proficiency in:
Our billers in Florida have been tracking the rate of reimbursements which has been dipping in the state past a decade. They also have analyzed the solution to this dip, the answer lies in the state of Florida’s reimbursement statutes itself. These local Florida billers are the key to unlock blocked cash flows and can provide you with updated methods to improve the efficiency of your practice.
The Florida medical billing and coding services that we provide are not just limited to cities such as major cities like Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersberg and Orlando. They also extend to almost all other towns and smaller cities in Florida. These medical coders and billers surpass HIPAA compliance and are also trained in preferred language such as Spanish. They have been recommended in their past engagements for their medical billing administrative skills, excellent Data Entry management, along with good written and oral communication skills.
Our medical billers and coders in Florida at perform specialized tasks such as reviewing encounter forms for accuracy in ICD-10 and CPT coding, maintain records of existing billing and coverage rules, posting charges and payments to accounts, make follow up calls to insurance companies to resolve any inconsistency in payments and to patients whose accounts were past due to set up a payment plan, report to physicians regularly, offer customer support by comprehending and elucidating insurance EOBs, co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles to patients and enter and revise patient demographics.
Florida medical billing specialists can not only assist in increasing your income but also guarantee suitable reimbursement, provide medical billing and coding services in specialties including Otolaryngology, Primary Care, Optometry, Family Practice, Hospitalist Billing, Cardiology, OB Gyn, Physical Therapy, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and Dental.
Physician shortage would always be a problem in Florida and is not only affecting doctors but also bigger hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, nurses and resident doctors. The shortage would mean long working hours and more accurate medical coding and billing practices. However, implementation of EMRs is proving to be of immense help since most of the paperwork is diminished and doctors have real-time information about patients and other related data. Our coders and medical billers are expert in software such as Medisoft, Misys Tiger, Eclinicalworks, Advance MD, GE Centricity, and Altapoint.
One of the unique challenges that physicians and healthcare provides face in Florida is dealing with Florida Medicaid Institutional Care Program (ICP) patients. This is because Florida has a large elderly population (65 years and older) which is projected to grow nearly to 26% of the state’s total population which is the highest among all states in the US.
The fact that these elderly patients are either disabled or are fighting chronic illnesses makes them frequent visitors to physicians’ offices and various hospitals. This fact coupled with the recent health care reform would ensure that health care providers would be required to ensure accuracy and compliance with legal guidelines in order to avoid a drop in revenue or negative legal repercussions. Our medical billing specialists ensure that problems such as inadequate reimbursement due to claim denial and other related factors do not take its toll on your practice.
Our medical billers and coders at can ensure an improvement in the efficiency of your practice by employing the best methods of optimally using your EMR, their exposure of various Practice Management Systems also provides greater collections for your practice.
Being the largest consortium of medical billers in U.S., MBC are easily the preferred choice of leading physicians, hospitals, and clinics. The following set of pre-qualifications has helped us own a majority of share in medical billing services for practitioners across the 50 states in the U.S:
Having a repertoire of technical and professional skills, our medical billers can easily address billing issues across the entire scope of Neurology:
Consequently, our billing and coding specialists’ exhaustive experience and expertise in addressing billing issues for diverse services has translated into efficient billing and coding management of various neurological procedures such as lumbar punctures, treatment for dementia, movement disorders, headaches, epilepsy, sleep disorders, chronic pain management, and multiple sclerosis or neuromuscular diseases; management of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia; psychiatric manifestations, such as post-stroke depression, depression and dementia associated with Parkinson's disease, mood and cognitive dysfunctions in Alzheimer's disease and Huntington disease.
Thus, our Neurology billing system – complete with accurate charge-capture, intricate procedure coding, electronic filing of claims, patient billing, multi-tiered appeal process, denial elimination initiatives, and compliance standards – happens to be the prescription for: