Medical Billing Services In Texas, TX

Specialized Medical Billing Services in Texas

With over 25 years of expertise in Texas healthcare revenue management, our specialized medical billing services support practices across the Lone Star State. We offer comprehensive solutions that maintain practice control while optimizing revenue cycles.

Our HIPAA-compliant team ensures clean claims submission within state-mandated timelines - 30 days for electronic claims and 45 days for paper submissions. Through precise coding audits, strategic denial management, and efficient payment processing, we help practices streamline their financial operations while maintaining compliance with state regulations and industry standards.

Texas Medical Billing Specialists Drive Practice Success

Our Texas medical billing specialists combine deep industry knowledge with state-specific expertise to enhance practice performance. Through comprehensive services including charge entry, electronic claims submission, payment posting, and customized financial reporting, we help practices improve collections by 20%.

Our certified team provides strategic code auditing, payer fee schedule analysis, and dedicated denial management, enabling healthcare providers to focus on patient care while maintaining optimal revenue flow. With 25+ years of experience in the field, we ensure sustainable growth for Texas medical practices while meeting federal cost-reduction initiatives.

Our Medical Billing Services in Texas

The law states that the payer has to pay a clean claim within 30 days, with the option of 45 days if the claim is not submitted electronically, thus our Texas billers will be able to reduce your AR days noticeably.

Our professional billers in Texas are trained to handle all aspects of Revenue Cycle Management which especially includes denial Management and helps you recover rejected claims by appeals and resubmission of claims.

Our Billers in the state of Texas are specialized to service medical practices as per the regulations of the state government. Their knowledge and experience has been acquired by years of efforts in perfecting medical billing procedures which they now leverage to help your practice collect more revenue.

The federal government’s effort to reduce healthcare cost can only be supported by physicians in the state of Texas by optimizing costs and enhancing revenue. Letting a specialist handle your medical billing can help you improve collections by 20%.

Accurate Coding and code audit along with timely insurance follow up and account receivables are the basis on which these billers in Texas guarantee higher profitability for your clinic. Their experience in various software and certification in the medical billing processes will support your practice to grow steadily.

Texas Medical Billing Services provides:

  • Data entry of all charges
  • Submission of electronic as well as paper claims to both primary and secondary insurers
  • Accurate ICD-10 and CPT code audits
  • Payment postings after receiving from insurance companies as well as patients
  • Excessively customized Monthly financial reports
  • Comparing payer fee schedules and updating your practice about it
  • Medical billing consulting services

MBC’s staff has extensive Medical Billing knowledge and 15+ years of experience. We can help providers and practices in and around Texas to maximize their reimbursements and minimize their costs.

Take a look at Pros and Cons of Various Payment Models and their Effect on Practices

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