Wound care has become crucial due to the growing aging population. Wound care has become crucial due to the growing aging population in the US, many of whom need long-term wound care. This field faces challenges with insurance, as not all types of wound care are covered.
At MBC, we understand that effective billing for wound care requires meticulous documentation to establish insurance eligibility. This ensures that treatment was advised and supervised by a physician when necessary.
- Ensuring compliance with insurance requirements.
- Supporting specialized, long-term wound care needs.
- Ensuring compliance with insurance requirements.
- Supporting specialized, long-term wound care needs.
- Ensuring compliance with insurance requirements.
- Supporting specialized, long-term wound care needs.
Our Iowa medical billers with an experience of more than 10 years in practice management have successfully converted medical procedure into revenues for physicians across Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux City and Iowa City. They have been able to suggest cost cutting strategies and increasing revenues. They are a skilled billers who can get themselves familiar with any specialty or software your practice uses. Our medical billers and coders bill for multiple specialties and also provide a wide range of services.
Some of the functions of medical Billing in which they have shown their expertise are:
Electronic submission of claims
Regular follow up on claims
Mailing patient invoices and statements
Customized monthly financial reports
Efficient Denial management
Comprehensive Medical Billing Services in Iowa
MBC medical billers in Iowa have over 25 years of experience in practice management. We successfully have helped manage revenues for physicians in cities like Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux City, and Iowa City. Our team is highly adaptable, and capable of mastering any specialty or software your practice uses.
Our skilled MBC billers and coders cater to multiple specialties, offering a comprehensive range of services to enhance your practice’s revenue cycle.
Some of the key functions they specialize in include:
- Electronic submission of claims
- Regular follow-up on claims
- Mailing patient invoices and statements
- Customized monthly financial reports
- Efficient denial management
Maximizing Cash Flow & Revenue for Iowa Medical Practices
As Iowa has one of the lowest numbers of physicians per 100,000 people, physicians' time is a precious asset. MBC experts understand this and ensure that physicians can focus on patient care while being confident their collections are being handled efficiently. Our billers track fee schedules, reimbursement policies, and state regulations, keeping physicians informed about any changes that could impact their revenue cycle.
Our MBC billers in Iowa specialize in adhering to state regulations and have expertise through years of refining medical billing practices, which helps your practice collect more revenue. Outsourcing your medical billing can improve your collections significantly, reduce costs, and enhance profitability.
With accurate coding, detailed code audits, and timely insurance follow-ups, our billers ensure steady growth for your practice. Additionally, our proficiency in various billing software and certifications supports the optimization of your operations.
Outsourcing Wound Care Medical Billing to MBC
MBC’s team of medical billers and coders are experienced in handling the entire cycle of activities ranging from determining insurance eligibility to submitting claims and performing routine follow-ups. However, wound care being a treatment that’s administered by care providers of all sizes and also independent physicians, choosing a billing and coding service model which is scalable enough to fit any size and need becomes a challenge for care providers.
MBC offers two types of service models, one an outsourced billing and coding and another revenue management consulting model:
The outsourced billing and coding services model enables care providers to completely ship out their billing and coding responsibilities to MBC and spend the time earlier spent on administrative activities on medical care.
Our revenue management consulting services, on the other hand, help streamline in-house revenue management by stripping out outdated processes, recommending appropriate software applications to replace the outdated ones and identifying areas for staff training and revenue leakage to help plug them.
Both the models have helped big and small care providers involved in wound care in all the states of the US to overcome the challenge presented by administrative activities to claim insurance improve their revenues and optimize their in-house resources: either by streamlining processes and training them such that the staff have a thorough knowledge of activities they have to perform and details handle to prepare and claim insurance accurately minimizing chances of claim rejections or by thoroughly sparing themselves the responsibilities to handle insurance administrative activities themselves.