The complex coding changes have made Neurology billing a challenging task. It has become important to hire a team of skilled billers and coders who are well-versed in the following:
Specific guidelines of neurology coding and billing |
Different aspects of neurology billing, including- chemodenervation, EMGs, nerve blocks and nerve conduction studies |
The billing department should have knowledge about the latest Medicare regulations and policies related to neurology medical billing. The patient balance process is also challenging for neurologists because it is difficult to explain to the patients their Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and neurology terminologies on the bill.
The complexities related to coding and patient balance process drive the need to hire specialists who are experts at patient collection and neurology billing. Patient balance process is equally important for a neurologist because if patients are not handled with care, collections will considerably go down.
Procedures in neurology fall under two categories, viz., Medical / Surgical or Mental Health. It is essential for the coders to recognize the billing codes for certain therapies as far as neurological procedures are concerned.
If the coder knows which character of the code corresponds to which portion of the procedure, it becomes easy to streamline the billing process. Coders have to navigate through complex and dynamic changes in neurology & pain management coding. Even a small mistake can result in denied payment, alerting the RACs of a potential fraud.
To sail through the coding challenges and ensure timely payments, many neurologists are outsourcing their billing requirements to companies like MBC offers billing solutions to 42 specialties, including neurology and pain management. The expert team of coders and billers at MBC offers customized solutions to help neurologists minimize the time spent on information search. These solutions have been effective in helping providers improve payment collections, avoid audits and reduce claims denials.
Outsourcing billing services has various benefits for neurologists. They not only get to improve their collections but also enhance productivity at their practice. Medical billing companies cover the following under their range of billing services:
- Insurance verifications
- Insurance authorizations
- Patient enrolments
- Coding: scheduling and re-scheduling
- AR collections, including patient collection, insurance collection, follow-ups for old AR
How Can Neurologists Handle Billing and Coding Challenges?
Neurologists will have to do the following in order to ensure that billing and coding issues don’t hamper their revenue cycle:
- Computer systems need to be updated with the latest version of software for handling new changes in coding
- An impact assessment for ICD-10 should be conducted, including forms revision, changing of processes and computer systems being used for ICD-9 codes
- Quality reporting systems and patient scheduling systems should be reviewed
- Necessary changes need to be made in the documentation so that ICD-10 codes are easy to use, once implemented.
- Neurologists will have to start learning the new codes so that there are no errors in the same
- In order to prepare for ICD-10, the coders need to be trained along with the physicians and other staff members