MBC for Physicians

Massage Therapy Billing Services

Optimize Your Practice Revenue &
Billing Efficiency

Discover More
Wound Care

Getting Started

Increasing dependency on massage therapy and a burst in the number of therapists leave independent therapists and care organizations that employ them to deal with something that’s not as rosy: partial insurance coverage and disparity of rules from one state in the US to another. What adds to regulatory complexities is that a therapy to be reimbursed, has to be recommended by a physician via a prescription and has to be carried out under the supervision of the physician.

Partial coverage, disparate regulations and the need to establish by proper documentation that a therapy has been carried out upon a physician’s recommendation and supervision as an extension of the physician’s treatment - together bring upon the care provider administrative and other responsibilities that the provider is ill-equipped to handle.

Outsourcing to MBC:

MBC’s billing and coding professionals come with years of dedicated experience in handling massage therapy billing and coding. Their advanced level of understanding helps them to identify therapies that are eligible for massage therapy insurance reimbursement and then prepare claims by using medical and administrative details accurately. Additionally, MBC also does methodical and rigorous follow-up of submitted claims to ensure quick reimbursements for you. Our professionals, although part of a truly national network, bring you the advantages of a local specialist owing to their thorough knowledge of state-specific rules applicable to massage therapy.

Medical Billing At A Glance

Explore key figures that highlight our commitment to
seamless coding and optimized reimbursement.

Claims Processing

First Pass
Resolution Rate

Percentage of claims paid on the first submission.

Average Days to

Average number of days it takes for claims to be paid.

Financial Metrics

Net Collection

Percentage of total charges that are collected.

Average Denial
Resolution Time

Average number of days taken to fix and resolve a denied claim.

Operational Metrics

Average Claims
Submitted Per Month

Volume of claims

Staff Productivity

Claims processed per biller per day.

Massage Therapy Billing Services

Maximizing claim efficiency and compliance for
superior revenue management

Select a title to see its description.

Mastering Every Code for
Massage Therapy Specialty

Our expertise spans the full code range, ensuring precision and
compliance in every claim we process

Download Your Massage Therapy
Billing Guideline Here

Why Choose Us?

Analyze Practice & Benchmark

Data-driven analysis to compare and enhance your practice’s performance.

Practice Documentation SOP

Standardized operating procedures for seamless practice documentation.

Measure Results Consistently

Continuous monitoring to deliver reliable and consistent results.

Ready To Optimize Your
Massage Therapy Billing Process ?

Real Physicians, Real Results

Discover how physician groups thrive with us

Help Us Understand Your Requirements

Get in touch with us for more Information.
We're ready to assist with your billing and coding needs.

Name (*Required )
Phone Number (*Required )
Monthly Insurance Collection
Requirement & Preferred Time to Call

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