Reimbursements have generally been tight recently for orthopedics – Medicare cuts, shrinking fee schedules, increased technology intervention in medical billing, and a multi-payer environment that is more vigilant than ever have really made it tough for orthopedics to realize their reimbursements to the maximum. But amidst these monumental challenges, HIPAA compliant clinical and operational management may still offer avenues to keep reimbursements level above average.
Thus, orthopedics across the U.S. are beginning to embrace technology-driven HIPAA compliant orthopedic billing to offset the impact of a series of restrictive impositions on medical billing.
The significance about HIPAA compliance is that it can not only endorse orthopedics as being responsive to patient privacy and security but also entitle them to incentives for showing up as responsible partners in effective and efficient health care delivery. Moreover, payors perceive HIPAA compliance to be the yardstick for measuring orthopedics’ integrity for medical billing.
Therefore, HIPAA-compliant orthopedic medical billing may just be the factor that can create a sense of trust among your payors. But HIPAA compliance needs to planned and executed in a way that best suits individual practitioners or hospitals; HIPAA compliance cannot be generalized even though you happen to be in the same discipline as orthopedics.
The factors that will need to be taken care of while migrating to HIPAA compliant orthopedic medical billing are:
Because of the interplay of these multiple factors in HIPAA compliant orthopedic clinical and medical billing operations, providers may have look beyond internal competence and outsource technology-enabled HIPAA-compliant clinical and medical billing implementation. offers to ease complexities during as critical an implementation as HIPAA compliant orthopedic medical billing. Our affiliation with experienced, competent, and credible orthopedic medical billing resources should provide the right choice of expertise to have your medical billing infused with HIPAA compliance standards.