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Avoid Legal Issues in Chiropractic Practices with a Billing Partner

Chiropractic Medical Billing ServicesAre you struggling to maintain the presence of your practice in the market? Do you have the required training for handling the business and legal areas of your chiropractic practice? If the answer is no, you might land up in a legal jeopardy that will disrupt cash flow and damage your reputation.

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Possible legal issues that need to be avoided:

  • You need to take serious measures if you are not getting paid for the services offered. If your bills are being repeatedly reduced by liability insurance carriers on the basis of your services not being medically necessary, you might get into legal troubles in future.
  • Denial or reductions in payment happens only when the insurer feels that your practice is over-treating, doing improper coding or not documenting the service accurately. In any of these cases, legal problems can arise for your practice therefore, it becomes essential to evaluate and audit your business practice and look for solutions to solve these issues.
  • If insurers are subjecting you to post-payment reimbursement claims, you need to be extra careful. Insurance companies are recouping payments made to doctors, deeming them to have engaged in one or more of the above-mentioned areas of conduct.
  • Any of the above acts can be deemed to constitute fraudulent misconduct on part of the chiropractor and this might result in civil litigation or criminal prosecution. In case you fail to take the required measures, such liabilities, reaching thousands of dollars can damage the reputation of your chiropractic practice.
  • If liability insurance carriers are not paying you for the services on a regular basis and patients are pursuing legal actions to recover their civil liability claims, your practice maybe in serious trouble. You will have to ensure that immediate corrective measures are taken such as auditing of documentation and coding or auditing of your marketing strategies.
  • You are being considered a fraudulent provider if your liability insurance carrier is taking pre-litigation depositions of you or your patients. Also, if multiple complaints have been filed against you with the state licensing board, you need to invest time in assessing the complaints and finding ways to comply with the state laws.

Chiropractors must ensure that the above-mentioned issues don’t turn into legal hassles for their practice. These potential signs should be taken into consideration and special attention should be given in order to solve them. However, due to time constraint and rise in number of patients, chiropractors are seeking assistance from a chiropractic medical billing services partner to avoid legal issues

Medicalbillersandcoders.com has been helping chiropractors across 50 states in the US avoid legal issues. We have the largest team of coders and billers who can handle your revenue cycle management with precision. Our team is expert in denial management, claim submission and various other tasks related to chiropractic medical billing. Since a well-trained team will be handling your billing requirements and working towards maximizing revenue, you can get sufficient time to focus on documentation and patient care.
