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Surviving Technical Challenges of ICD-10 with a Medical Billing Partner

Surviving Technical Challenges of ICD-10 with a Medical Billing PartnerICD-10 implementation will be having an impact on the IT infrastructure of medical practices. Physicians will have to assess whether or not the new, ICD-10 ready EHR and practice management software versions will run on their existing hardware. For instance, ICD-10 ready software might no longer run on old systems and Windows XP.

With less than a year left in preparing for ICD-10, practices will have to take a close look at their overall IT infrastructure. This will have to be done not just for ICD-10 but also to gear up for any issues related to HIPAA security, meaningful use Stage 2 requirements, mobility, BYOD (bring your own device) policies and so on.

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What technical challenges will be faced by practices?

In order to conduct a technical impact assessment, practices will have to evaluate the following issues. Technical requirements for supporting ICD-10 implementation will also have to be identified for business operations.

  • Reports
  • Business rules
  • System interfaces
  • Tables, data structures
  • User interfaces
  • Decision support systems
  • Maintenance and collection of ICD-10 code sets

If your practice management interface or EHR is changing, it is essential for your staff to know. You will have to perform a detailed analysis of system changes and get the staff trained on how to use the new software apart from handling documentation specificity, coding complexities and new templates.

See More : ICD – 10 Articles

Flexibility will have to be built into IT systems that are currently under development. This will be required to ensure compatibility with ICD-10. Providers will have to see if the system storage capacity will have to be increased. A budget will have to set for the system changes as well.

Iron out technical challenges of ICD-10 with a billing partner:

With so much to handle in such less time, seeking assistance from a billing partner makes a lot of sense for providers who want to focus on quality patient care. Outsourcing coding and billing requirements to a third party will help physicians eliminate their headache of investing time and money to prep for ICD-10.

A reputed medical billing company will handle technical challenges of ICD-10 for your practice by using latest technology and assigning a team of well-trained coders. The team will be focusing on your coding requirements with accuracy, ensuring error-free results. This will eliminate the need for practices to hire new coders, train existing staff, buy latest technology or upgrade all existing systems for ICD-10.

Services offered by Medicalbillersandcoders.com have been helping practices in smooth transition to ICD-10. We not just handle accurate coding and billing tasks for physicians but also solve issues related to rejected claims, patient data, claim processing and dealing with insurance companies and clearing houses. The latest technology is used at MBC for handling daily operations which guarantees best services. MBC can also help place well-trained coders and billers at your practice who will help you strengthen your revenue cycle while you focus on provision of patient care.
