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New Technology to Improve Pharmaceutical Industry

Modernizing pharmacy is the new way to help industry to adopt scientifically sound novel technologies that helps manufacture quality medicines that are consistently effective and safe. Technology changes in pharmacy are not a new thing; but there was a hesitation of adopting the technology. Gradually the industry now embraces the information exchange via drug bar coding, robotic dispensaries, computerized physician order entry, automated medication identification.

Whether it’s utilizing data analytics to identify the best-targeted and most cost-effective therapy or using social media to engage with customers, new modes of technology will continue to play a role in life sciences organizations. And those technology leaders that adapt, innovate and get it right will continue to be successful in the long-term.

Here are emerging new technological health innovations that will have significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry:-

  1. mHealth Sensors

Pharmacy research institutes are already beginning to take advantage of mhealth technology to conduct clinical research. Smartphones with powerful processors and advanced sensors that can track movement, take measurements and record information are highly useful in post-market studies and allow people to participate in studies more easily.

As these sensors become more advanced and accurate, there is huge potential for the use of wearable devices for gathering clinical trial data remotely in real-time, real-world settings. Mobile and wearable devices that are already in use or under development feature sensors that are able to track heart rate, sleep, stress, temperature, blood glucose, blood oxygen, and various other measurements that would be useful in clinical trials. The true power of these devices however, comes from their internet connectivity, which enables the information they collect to be synced with other devices or instantly shared with doctors and researchers.

  1. 3D Printing

An innovation that could radically redefine what pharmaceuticals manufacturing means, 3D printing isn’t just for making replacement parts. 3D printing of pharmaceuticals allows drugs to be made anywhere and in any quantity, using “inks” including common elements such as carbon and hydrogen alongside common pharmaceutical ingredients such as paraffin to construct organic molecules. The business of selling pharmaceuticals could be re-invented by the availability of on-demand drugs where they are needed, with revenue coming from selling licenses for reproduction to hospitals coupled with dramatic reductions in manufacturing and distribution costs.

  1. Enterprise Quality Management Software

But a rapidly-evolving product category called EQMS can suggestively ease compliance. Not only ensure safe and secure data migration, but will also give you the ability to both better collect and better deploy the massive amounts of data involved in every stage of operation. Properly implemented, your EQMS platform can be a truly transformational addition, but that implementation is often not handled well. For effective integration into your organization’s business procedures, you need to make sure you’re partnering with an experienced service partner.

  1. The Cloud Technology

Cloud computing are not just a tool for marketing and promotional professionals; the deployment and implementation of cloud computing as a valuable tool useful to bring down costs and enhance IP security is a rapidly expanding area of growth. The development of platform allows companies to create and deploy specialized web-based software platforms, which can be operated anywhere, without the need to either develop software architecture allowing you to avoid time- and resource-intensive activities which can otherwise slow down a project.

With cloud-based systems, pharmaceutical R&D simply moves faster, and a company is able to more rapidly identify and support their most valuable business practices. And with modern cloud computing security systems and pharmaceuticals procedures, including proper employee training, strong access control policies, and strong encryption standards, you can be sure your data is safe as you integrate an informational technology that is rapidly becoming important.

  1. Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is rapidly evolving and researchers are now developing nanotechnology that can track when patients take their medication to encourage increased adherence. The particles, once consumed, would send signals to demonstrate that the medication has been taken and the information would then be fed back to a physician and to the patient through a mobile app.
