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Save 9% On Medicare Payments By Reporting PQRS

Quality measurements and quality data reporting are an integral part of Medicare programs. PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System) is one such reporting that is to be demonstrated to meet the quality performance standards.

PQRS is a quality reporting program that boosts group practices and individual EPs (eligible professionals) to report about quality care to Medicare. PQRS offers group practices and EPs a chance to evaluate the quality care that is been offered to the patients; ensuring that the patients are provided right treatment and care at the right time.

Reporting PQRS quality measures, it also qualifies of how well the quality standards are met.  In the year 2015, the program started applying negative payments by adjusting to individual EPs who did not report data on quality measures for Medicare.

Time Has Begun To Report

The countdown has started for assembling and reviewing data of 2016 PQRS reporting, the healthcare organizations require shortlisting the ideas for refining the data successfully. Configuring the entire process in a smart way, medical practices can save 9% on Medicare Payments by avoiding penalties. PQRS reporting requires setting up in the most accurate ways ensuring that accurateness of the data.

Factors That Healthcare Organizations Should Be Aware Of That Are Related To PQRS

  • The Medicare service organizations should make sure that the reporting requirements of the EHR vendor, registry, and other process are updated.
  • It is important to make sure that the EHR is exactly configured as per the standards/measures
  • It is certain to verify the measures and workflow of EHR ensuring that it is being monitored to maximize the quality values.
  • The ensure that the format of the data for the reporting is precise or not.
  • The reports are to be given within deadlines.

How To Save On Medicare Payments?

Seizing the PQRS reporting data in real time would present the medical practitioners with top clinical practice to maintain patient care. The medical measures require addressing pertinently to the patients for which they are rendered treatment for. This saves the time of practices and also saves the effort of making the report.

Sorting out the messy report throughout the year and precisely at the end time of reporting period is absolutely daunting. But selecting the quality measures that are applicable as per the plans and specialty data is an effective way of improving care quality also ensures that you are avoiding penalties and receive value modifier payment adjustments.

  • Physicians are supposed to be participating in PQRS in 2016 to avoid a penalty in 2018
  • Physicians who choose to not to participate in 2016 will be subject to 2% penalty on all their 2018 Medicare Part B, Medicare as a Secondary Payer, and Railroad Medicare allowances.
  • Non-PQRS reporting will also witness an additional penalty under the value-based payment modifier program, possibly an additional 2-4% penalty.

Taking care of the above mentioned factors and tips it will surely let you save more than you think on Medicare payments through PQRS reporting.
