4 Min Read

Latest Coding Resources and Products Available Online, for a Fee

Coding is a very crucial step in a clinic’s revenue cycle process and coders need to keep themselves updated with changing industry regulations and norms to remain competitive. But the question is how? The latest online coding resources offered by the American Medical Association have come as a blessing for the coders by providing electronic access to authoritative coding and compliance resources, as well as updates to the latest coding, billing and compliance changes.

The AMA Coding Online has made available some of its best selling coding products such as CodeManager® in various editions, CPT® Assisstant with latest updates and historical information, RBRVS DataManager as well as many more. These products carry current updates (including quarterly/annual updates) as well as historical changes and are available with clinical examples, illustrations, and description in relevant cases.

The website is a veritable storehouse of latest coding resources and products for coders who would like quick and pertinent answers to their routine professional queries and stay abreast of the changes and trends; it also provides the physicians with a readymade facilitator to train their staff as well as authenticate coding to external sources.
