Recent Policy development for Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Billing

The US Healthcare industry in its true sense is passing through a transition period, where each medical specialty is waiting on the fence, to find out if there is any further development to their current regime. In those specialties, the Durable Medical Equipment suppliers are also looking for information and updates that would normalize their […]

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CMS Relaxes the Date for CURES Act Changes for Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Billing

CMS has now backed off from the initial date of Dec 31, 2017, and stated that it will work with state Medicaid programs for different compliance and reimbursement plans. CURES ACT related to Medicaid update was first released in early December. In view of various physicians and surgeons, CMS has now revised the ruling stating […]

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Increase Collection of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Provider’s

Medical billing and coding is an integral part of your revenue cycle management. It not only concentrates on posting accurate payments but invariable increase the collection of your facility as well. Today, most medical facilities, solo practitioners, healthcare units, and clinics employ dedicated medical billing and coding companies to optimize the entire income cycle. This […]

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