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An Ideal Resolution for a Physician for the New Year!

We are stepping into the New Year! 2015 has been a roller coaster ride with multiple healthcare changes that took place, the greatest of them being the implementation of ICD-10. Healthcare centers handled these changes pretty well, of course with effects that were pretty much visible. Striking a balance between the administration work and patient care became a task in itself. The demanding changes moved the focus of the physician from patients or their core interests to that of revenue collection and filling claims. The escalation of the number of codes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 ensured the physicians give most of their time to filling the claims appropriately.

How many of the physicians have made New Year resolutions pertaining to their practice? What would be the most ideal resolution for a physician to make and stick to it for maximum benefits in the New Year? Acceptance of Health IT to be something that is here to stay and avoiding burnout by having some self-time will greatly enable a successful practice for the physicians.

Although it is true that EHRs and various other Heath IT tools require time to learn and get a hang of it, nonetheless they exist to make things easier for the physicians. They come with many benefits ensuring high-quality care. Since these tools take a great deal of effort and a certain amount of technical inclination to succeed and squeeze out all the advantages they have got there, most physicians have been reluctant in incorporating them into their practice.

The unanimous response from physicians regarding the EHRs and other patient management tools is that they take them away from patient care. For a few physicians, the technology may not be the entire issue; however, the mere change in process could be the root cause and hence the skepticism. Thus, it is in the best interest of the physicians to accept the fact that Healthcare IT is here to stay and for the betterment and an easier workflow.

Hence in 2016, physicians must let these IT tools be a part of their practice, invest some time in learning the process and then see the benefits reap.

The medical profession comes with the baggage of mounting pressure and tension, and so it is imperative that physicians remove time out at the end of the day to assess their practice and avoid burnout resulting from everyday stress. Healthcare is a 24/7 profession that often demands great dedication under immense pressure, where the well-being of the physician is of vital importance. This year try looking out for symptoms of depression, anxiety, etc., anything that may take a toll on your health. Watch out for signs in your staff as well.

For this, you could have sessions where things can be lightened with some conversations and sharing some experiences. This could help deal with staggering pressure and cope up with the demanding profession.

Thus do try and squeeze in time for yourself this year for yourself that would help you perform better and offer enhanced patient care, your core profession.

Last but not the least, increasing revenue through effective methods is the ultimate goal, of course apart from patient satisfaction. In order to enhance revenue and minimize overheads, outsourcing could spell a decent option for most practices.
