Internal Medicine Billing Boost with Legacy AR Solutions Are you struggling to close the year with a clean billing slate for your internal medicine practice? If yes, you’re not alone. Many practices face challenges in internal medicine billing due to complex claims, denied reimbursements, and aging accounts receivable (AR). Legacy AR solutions offer a proven […]
Internal Medicine Billing Boost with Legacy AR Solutions
Family Practice Billing Without the Pain of denials and Rejection
The Truth about Denied or Rejected Claims in Family Practice Billing You might think a single denied claim is just a minor setback for your family practice billing. However, the overall impact can be much bigger than you can imagine. Did you know that almost 20% of all claims are denied, and up to 60% […]
How to Set a Fee Schedule for Medical Practice?
Are you following an outdated fee schedule for medical practice and missing out on revenue? It is observed that many practices are suffering revenue losses because of their existing fee schedule and not knowing that fact that updating fee schedule for medical practice would improve their bottom line. After reading this blog you can easily […]
Impact of Vertical Integration in Healthcare
Today the healthcare industry is going through a transformative change called “Vertical integration” and its popularity is rising continuously over the US. However, it is observed in most cases that such mergers would lead to higher healthcare costs and a low level of patient satisfaction. As a physician or healthcare organization, you should know about […]
How to manage radiology claim denials?
When the radiology physician submits the error-free claim on time then the practice’s cash flow will improve and the overall operational cost gets minimized. However, you may find delays in payment due to radiology claim denials from the payer for some reasons. When claims get denied, the patient will be vulnerable first as the entire […]
Common Medical Billing Errors
Medical billing errors are possibly more common than anyone can think, and these errors could be costing you revenue loss. In fact, almost many Americans could be overpaying on their medical billing because of common medical billing errors. Whether it’s incorrect information in CMS1500 like incorrect insurance ID number, or ICD-10 Code error, duplicate charges, […]
Received Payer Request for Medical Records? Keep Calm and Take These Steps
If a letter were to arrive at your organization in an innocuous-appearing envelope, you may be afraid to open it. It’s unsettling for a payer to request medical records for claims that have already been paid. It is becoming more and more common for providers to receive what appear to be innocuous medical records requests […]
How to Deal with Patient Responsibility?
As patient responsibility balances climb, practice owners are seeking effective methods of collecting outstanding patient balances and ways to collect more payment at the time of service. Estimating patient responsibility prior to claims adjudication is a tricky business. However, practices can absolutely figure out a payment estimation plan that suits their needs and support the […]
Identify Coding Pitfalls to Avoid Common Claim Errors
Coding errors accounted for 8.7 percent of improper payments made by Medicare in 2018, which cost over $2.75 billion. To avoid costly denials and potential payback demands, it’s essential to review code guidelines before submitting your claims. MBC helps many practices to pinpoint the coding issues so that there will be no Common Claim Errors. […]
General Coding Guidelines for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that involves abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile or porous bones. Without appropriate treatment, osteoporosis can worsen. As bones get weaker and thinner, the potential risk for fractures increases. Documentation is very important and physicians must ensure timely medical documentation to ensure appropriate treatment for these patients. Medical […]