Common challenges facing by physicians in 2021

Today physicians whether they own their practice or are employed by a hospital or larger health system are facing many challenges in the day-to-day routine. These common challenges include “How to use the EMR efficiently and getting paid”, overburden with administrative requirements, staffing, burnout, etc. despite their devotion to the practice of medicine and the […]

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Extension of Prior Authorization for Repetitive, Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transports

Federal Register announced in their notice that a 1-year extension of the Medicare Prior Authorization Model for Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport. The extension of this model is applicable in certain states only. Earlier in those states, ambulance suppliers must obtain prior authorization from Medicare before providing scheduled, non-emergency ambulance transportation. These states are: Delaware […]

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Estimating Patient Out-of-Pocket Responsibility

According to some sources, patients are now the third-largest payer group in the US behind Medicare and Medicaid. So, now is not the time to let those amounts due slide! One of the best ways to capture those amounts due is by avoiding surprises on the part of the patient by letting them know right […]

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Quantifying Your Medical Decision-Making

Quantifying Cognitive Labor This is the most important of the three key components because the Medical Decision-Making (MDM) reflects the intensity of the cognitive labor performed by the physician. There are four levels of MDM of incrementally increasing complexity Straightforward; Low Complexity; Moderate Complexity; and High Complexity. Physicians must stratify the MDM into one of […]

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Medical Record Documentation for E/M Services

Medical record documentation is required to record pertinent facts, findings, and observations about an individual’s health history including past and present illnesses, examinations, tests, treatments, and outcomes. The medical record chronologically documents the care of the patient and is an important element contributing to high-quality care.  The descriptors for the levels of E/M services recognize […]

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POP for Simplifying Documentation Requirements

A patient over Paperwork (POP) Initiative Through ‘Patients over Paperwork,’ CMS established an internal process to evaluate and streamline regulations with a goal to reduce unnecessary burden, increase efficiencies, and to improve the beneficiary experience. As part of the Patients over Paperwork Initiative, Medicare is simplifying documentation requirements so that providers spend less time on […]

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Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Tips To Shorten The Claim Length

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is the commercial process that uses medical billing software, which healthcare facilities use to track patient care episodes from registration and appointment scheduling to the final payment of a balance. In simple terms, it refers to the process of tracking the payments for the services rendered at a provider’s office, from […]

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How To Explore Untapped Potential Of Your Practice?

Today, the majority of deaths worldwide are due to four noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and respiratory diseases; most of these deaths are potentially preventable. Four sets of behaviors contribute to the high and growing burden of noncommunicable disease: consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and highly processed foods, as well as […]

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Boosts your Medical Reimbursement with Effective Revenue Cycle Management Process

The healthcare sector in the United States has a huge infrastructure that is required to maintain every aspect of patient treatment. With the cost of operations go up by the day, medical facilities have gradually started to offshore various sectors to other dedicated companies like Revenue cycle management specialists, who are solely focused on providing […]

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