Successful 3 Levels of Appeals for Higher Collection in DME

Higher collection in DME for efficient billing procedures is essential in the healthcare industry to ensure financial stability. One aspect that needs a specialized understanding is DME medical billing. DME (durable medical equipment) contains devices and equipment prescribed by healthcare professionals to assist patients in their recovery. Durable medical equipment refers to things or services […]

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Avoiding Improper Medicare Payments for Surgical Dressings

Improper Payment Reasons Durable Medical Equipment (DME) suppliers of surgical dressings and physicians submit claims for surgical dressings and CMS covers it under the surgical dressings benefit i.e., SSA Section 1861[s][5]. CMS recently published the Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) improper Medicare payment rate for surgical dressings for the 2020 reporting period. For this reporting period, the […]

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Basics of Medicare Remittance Advice (RA)

The A/B Medicare Administrative Contractors (A/B MACs), and Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) send to providers, physicians, and suppliers, as a companion to claim payments, a notice of payment, referred to as the Remittance Advice (RA). RAs explain the payment and any adjustment(s) made during claim adjudication. For each claim or line […]

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Medical Facility Should Follow The 6 Documentation Rules

Documentation is a critical undertaking in any specialty medical facility. It is an essential tool for conveying essential clinical information about each patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and results and for communication between physicians, medical billers and coders, and the payers. Doctors and their team of medical billers must efficiently respond to the questions that payers are […]

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DME Modifiers- Know more to get more!

Durable Medical Equipment (DME) like Crutches, canes, special cots, wheelchairs, slings, electrodes, etc are being frequently prescribed by physicians to help out people who have suffered injuries. However, there are several models and types available with a host of features. It is important that an injured person gets the correct equipment at an affordable price. […]

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Understanding pitfalls in DME billing

Billing is a vital aspect of any business, and healthcare is no exception. Millions of dollars can be lost if pitfalls are not understood and are repeated time and again in the billing and coding of medical practices, especially for ‘Durable Medical Equipment (DME).’ This equipment typically serves a medical purpose and is used routinely. […]

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