In the complex healthcare landscape, the term “denial” carries a significant weight. Denials occur when health insurance companies refuse to pay for medical services, tests, or procedures provided to patients. While denials may seem routine in healthcare billing, their impact on healthcare revenue and patient experience cannot be underestimated. In this blog, we will discuss […]
Cost of Denials: Impact on Healthcare Revenue and Patient Experience
Collaborative Approaches to Claims Denials: Aligning Billing and Clinical Teams
In the complex world of healthcare, managing claims denials is a critical aspect of revenue cycle management. Claims denials are a major pain point for healthcare providers, accounting for billions of dollars in lost revenue each year. Collaborative approaches to claims denials are essential for healthcare organizations to effectively address and reduce claims denials. These […]
Turning Denials into Dollars: Optimizing Revenue Recovery from Denied Claims
The healthcare industry operates on a delicate financial balance, where providers rely on a steady stream of revenue to deliver quality care to patients. A significant challenge within this complex ecosystem is the denial of insurance claims. Denied claims not only disrupt the revenue cycle but also demand additional resources and time to rectify. To […]
Tackling the Challenges of Claims Denials: Insights for Healthcare Providers
Challenges of Claims Denials Claims denials are a major challenge for healthcare providers in the United States. According to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), the average claim denial rate in 2023 is 7.5%. This means that for every $100 in claims submitted, healthcare providers are losing an average of $7.50 to denials. But why […]
Top Denials in Medical Billing: Common Causes and Strategies for Avoidance
Medical billing denials pose significant challenges to healthcare providers, leading to delayed payments, increased administrative burdens, and potential financial losses. Understanding the top denials and their underlying causes is crucial for healthcare organizations to optimize revenue cycles and improve reimbursement efficiency. This blog will examine the top medical billing denials, explore their reasons, and provide […]
Reducing E/M Services Claim Denials
E/M Services Claim Denial Reasons As per the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) data, approximately 15 percent of evaluation and management (E/M) services are improperly paid and accounted for almost 9.3 percent of the overall Medicare fee-for-service improper payment. Some of the common claim denial reasons are ‘similar services from multiple providers in […]
Tackling Ever Increasing Claim Denials
Increasing Claim Denials Recently Kaiser Family Foundation published an analysis of claim denials for various marketplace payers for the year 2020. Under the Affordable Care Act, marketplace payers need to report claims denial data and this analysis used the same data to understand claim denial status. The analysis found that, overall, nearly one out of […]
How to Manage Common Denials for RPM?
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a health care delivery method that benefits patients, providers, caregivers, and the healthcare system as a whole, by leveraging technology advances to gather patient data, outside of traditional health care delivery settings. From increasing access to virtual care, increased patient-provider communication opportunities, and improved patient involvement in self-management to reducing […]
Adopting Proactive Approach to Reduce Claim Denials
Claim denial occurs when a claim is submitted by the healthcare provider and is not accepted by the payer. Most practices face the challenge of high claim denials. You would be surprised to know that the highest performing medical practices have only a 4 percent denial rate (as per the Medical Group Management Association survey […]
Effectively Handling Claim Denials
In a perfect world, all submitted claims would be processed correctly the first time. In the world of medical billing, however, we know this is not always the case. Even after cautiously submitting a claim it may get denied. Handling claim denials can be a frustrating, time-consuming, and complicated process. Knowing some basic strategies for […]