Negotiating Justifiable Contract with Health Insurance Companies

Care providers operate in an environment characterized by multiple payors – Medicare, Medicaid, and a host of private health plans. The prevalence of such multi-payer is reason enough for differences in rates at which care providers are reimbursed despite the clinical procedures more or less being the same. Adding to this heterogeneous payor-environment is the […]

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Overcoming DME Billing Challenges with a Medical Billing Service

There is a distinctive difference between billing for Durable Medical Equipment (DME) services and other clinical procedures – durable medical equipment services are ancillary to the primary clinical purpose, and their admissibility is subject to certain conditions. One of the best ways to overcome the DME billing challenges is outsourcing the DME billing services and […]

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Managing Holiday Season Resource-Crunch with the Help of a Medical Billing Company

Healthcare is perhaps one of those few professions which are exception to the general rule of eight hour-a-day duty – professionals are required to stretch beyond their usual duty hours, and may even have to be on a 24×7 vigil. As a result work-related fatigue has been more common, which is undesirable from clinical point […]

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Physicians to Manage Revenues amidst the Impending 26.5% Medicare Cut with a Medical Billing Service

Ever since Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) began overshooting budgeted Medicare spend, physicians have been under the constant threat of Medicare cut. While Congress’ intervention has delayed the inevitable thus far, it may be a little tougher this time – Centre for Medicare Services (CMS) has already indicated that its fee schedule for 2013 is designed […]

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Correlation between Practice Revenue and Operational Documentation

Documentation holds special significance in clinical care – care coordination, easy reference, clinical research, and clinical certification are all made possible by well-documented clinical encounters. But documentation got a new dimension when fee-for-service was first replaced by Medicare-supported reimbursements. And, with the gradual inclusion of private players in health insurance, the significant of documentation is […]

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Financial Stability from Collaborative Partnership with Billing Companies

Business acumen is something that is generally lacking amongst health care professionals, particularly doctors or physicians. Physicians are primarily driven by clinical excellence, which they believe it to be pivotal to their existence, growth, and credibility amongst the patient community. True, clinical excellence continues to be a decisive factor even today. But, in a free […]

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Recognizing Value in Healthcare Reforms with the Help of a Billing Service

U.S. health care industry is characterized by multiple stakeholders – patients, care providers, and payers. The Federal Government, being the custodian of this priority sector, has had to keep each of these stakeholders in good humor. But, during the recent, there have been a multitude of reforms which have sought “quality medical care at an […]

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How Medical Billing Consortiums Are Superior to Medical Billing Companies

The origin of medical billing practices in the U.S. can be traced back to the 1960s when Medicare was introduced as a parallel to cash-based medical services. Since then, insurance-backed medical service has grown enormously, and two-thirds of the total physicians’ fees is routed through insurance of some form or the other. This shift in […]

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