Physicians Shortage – Is There a Perfect Storm Brewing in the Healthcare Industry?

There has been a rapid growth in the healthcare industry, more than any other industry, mostly in response to rapid growth in the elderly population. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the healthcare industry will create 3.2 million new wage and salary jobs between 2008 and 2018. However, the American Association of Medical Colleges […]

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Workers Compensation Claims Boon or Bane? – Medical Billing Process of Filing These Claims

Workers’ compensation has been a much debated subject and has been traditionally viewed as a liability for the company. However new ways of filing claims and with streamlining of various medical billing processes for such claims, it can be an asset which can boost employee morale and thus increase the productivity along with assistance in […]

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What does a doctor expect from his medical billers & coders?

A significant challenge that care providers face in the US today is unrealized account receivables stemming from rejected insurance claims by Medicaid and Medicare officials. Physicians often find this challenge daunting because it requires them to handle what they are not meant to: administrative responsibilities The medical billing and coding cycle requires thorough knowledge and […]

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How much salary can Medical Coders expect in New Mexico?

The New Mexico state government has introduced an incentive program where healthcare providers will be rewarded for moving their data operations to an electronic platform to be HIPPA complaint Chronic diseases and conditions prevalent in New Mexico have led to an increase in consumption of healthcare services like laboratory studies, radiologic imaging, oncology treatment and […]

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Average Single Specialty Practices Cater to 42-49 Percentage of Medicare Populace!

That means nearly half of your total patient population comprises of Medicare beneficiaries.  And, you could have remained indifferent as long as Medicare’s reimbursements continued to be as normal as private health insurance reimbursements. While physicians’ have remained immune to its impending backlash thus far, they may not be so lucky henceforth; the Federal Government, […]

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When was the last time your clinic checked the fees schedule? Streamlining your Medical Billing

Optimizing Fee Schedules for Physicians: An Overview The fee schedule for any physician practice is an important pecuniary factor that affects not just your revenue but also the way in which healthcare is delivered to the patients. Many practices fail to update their fee schedules on a regular basis which can affect the profitability and […]

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Growing Trend in Medium Size Clinics Referring to Medical Billing Outsourcing

Small and Medium size Clinics: Great Expectations Small and Medium sized clinics face unique type of challenges in almost all functions of physicians and staff such as administration, revenue cycle management, Electronic Health Records (EHR) implementation, and the challenge of keeping pace with the recent health reforms. The nature of the core functions as well […]

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Electronic Medical Billing, a preferred way improve your collections

As the insurance reimbursement environment becomes increasingly stringent, the incidence of denials, delays, underpayments, and lost or ignored claims seems to be on the rise. Consider this interesting statistics compiled by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS: 70% of claims are paid the first time they are submitted; 30% of claims are either […]

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