Practicing Medicine in Multiple States: Inherent Medical Billing Challenges

Contrary to single-location practices that were the norms during olden days, the recent trend has been the exploring of practice opportunities in multiple locations. It is not strange for a medical practice/clinic/hospital to expand its operations beyond the original location once it has built up a considerable reputation. Moreover, multiple-location operation has its own advantages: […]

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Driving Patient Engagement Through Healthcare-Based Social Media

From seemingly innocuous platforms for personal interaction amongst registered community members, social media (comprising Face Book, Twitter, and other interactive sites) has emerged as a powerful channel for marketing. In fact, its business-utility has grown to so much that it has evolved to be a parallel channel to the traditional mode of advertising of products […]

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Averting common operational & legal pitfalls at your medical practice

Medical practice and legal issues have long been inseparable. History is full of examples wherein practices have run into legal hassles, and eventually been penalized with criminal as well civil charges. Barring some strange cases that have been intentional, physicians have had to pay for what is known as negligence or reluctance to avail medico-legal […]

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The Impact of Hospital Billing Processes on Patients’ Longer-Term Satisfaction

The way that business offices can have reference patterns amongst consumers is a tactical opportunity as the insurance market moves to high deductible plans and hospitals take in new physicians into their business. According to a survey conducted by Connance in 2011 Americans who received hospital services in the past 2 years, merely 21% of […]

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Exodus to Hospital-Based Employment and its Effect on Healthcare Industry

While the recent healthcare reforms ushered in by the Federal Government promises to elevate clinical and operational efficiency across the nation’s healthcare continuum, it is also going to induce physicians into a more accountable and responsible quality clinical regime. The imminent Accountable Care Organization Model, Medicare cuts, the fear of Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) backlash, […]

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Is Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursements fairer than Private Insurers: a Brief Comparison

Various providers despite being paid lesser by government than by commercial insurers believe that Medicare and Medicaid reimburse more fairly than commercial payers. Findings from a recent survey depicted that 93% of respondents feel that Medicare is fair always or frequently while 62% felt the same about Medicaid, whereas 62% were of the view that […]

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